Question: What are most young men looking for in Masonry?
I agree that what most young Masonic applicants are seeking is Light! Let’s just analyze it from a realistic stance; from the outsiders’ view, the profane-the uninitiated; he that seeks admission through the West gate. There aren’t thousands of books written about Masonic picnics, nor Masonic fish fries, nor first Sunday breakfasts, nor Kazoo bands for entertainment, nor “yawn,” stated business meetings! However; there are thousands and thousands of books that have been written about Masonic History. There are thousands and thousands of books that have been written about Masonic Philosophy. There are thousands and thousands of books that have been written about Masonic Esoterica. What do these books offer a man in search for that which was lost? Hope, answers, a way to view and engage life for the betterment of himself, those around him, and the world at large!
We already know that many men did not become interested in Masonry in the past couple of decades because their fathers and grandfathers didn’t talk to them about Masonry. We already know that the local men of our union shops, our mills, the power company, the County and State workers no longer think they have an advantage at work by becoming a Freemason. We already know that a man simply interested in charity can give to any of a thousand plus good organizations without having to leave his home.
So who do we think would be interested in “us,” Freemasons that is? Well; maybe the guy who is seeking light! Maybe the guy who has read some of those thousands of books on Masonic History, Masonic Philosophy, and Masonic Esoterica! Why are we always so shocked with that Correlating Equation? Well I could tell you; however, I think you already know the answer!
Some would argue that these are men who don’t have a nuclear family; however, I would argue based on many Brothers responses that that simply isn’t true. Many of these men have families and young children; what they don’t have is time to waste. That means time to waste on Masonic picnics, nor Masonic fish fries, nor first Sunday breakfasts, nor Kazoo bands for entertainment, nor “yawn,” stated business meetings! That is because they already do picnics, fish fries, Sunday breakfast, entertainment, and meetings with their family and business associates.
What they have time for is something meaningful. They have time for something that provides them with the tools to make themselves better men; time for something that provokes thought, understanding, and makes them ask one more question about life’s mysteries. Asking a question of course requires someone to provide an answer. (I would interject here and say, “if we provide the answers then we might become part of their family and thus picnics, fish fries, Sunday breakfast, and entertainment.”)
Well; historically, intrinsic in the attributes of a College are answers for those who have questions. There are also some other intrinsic attributes; a well planned program, an appropriate time allotted for learning, an inherent mentorship, a fellowship, and a sense of something gained at a cost of both time and finance.
Now, if we provide those intrinsic attributes of what we claim to be, “the College of Freemasonry,” how does that play out with our long time members?
Well; some of the brightest and most knowledgeable men I know relative to the teachings of the Craft are guess what? Freemasons! Many of them have been members of our Craft for 50+ years. Surprising, some might say, but think about it; who wrote all those Masonic books in the last 50+ years on Masonic History, Masonic Philosophy, and Masonic Esoterica?
Then there are all those Masons who didn’t write any books. Some of them were the mentors for all those young initiates during the past 50+ years. Then there are those 50+ year Masons who wanted to learn more about the History, Philosophy, and Esoterica of the Craft during that time period; but Masonry didn’t fulfill its promise. Then there are those men that joined during that time period; but they didn’t join for the educational reasons, however, they did join for the right reasons in their mind, and that was to be amongst other good men and do the best they could as men with their own lives. Some of these men may not know much about Freemasonry relative to our History, Philosophy, and Esoterica; but, these men did what their Masonic leaders told them. These men took care of our buildings, they made dinner, they performed in the degrees, they did “whatever” was asked of them. Those men are no less a Mason than any of us, and in many cases showed greater Masonry than any of us will ever have the chance to display.
Many of these men helped change the world whereby other countries and its peoples were liberated. These men accomplished what many people thought was too lofty of a pursuit. And when finished on foreign soil, these men didn’t leave their ideals, devotion, and good works on the sands of some far away beach; these men came home and became Freemasons. Each one of these Brothers are men of great character! Each one of them personally knows the cost of Freedom. These are men who are use to giving when asked, and I would suggest if we ask properly, these men will give of themselves, too us, once again!
There is no doubt that the majority of men who seek admission into our “Gentle Craft,” today, are seeking that College education; however, not all of our caretakers of the Craft are College professors. (I might add here: and thank God!).
You see, the issue we face today has two faces due to the way in which we have framed it. The young man; who’s mirror tells him that he is strong, on a quest, and without question will quench his thirst for knowledge. Then there is the old man; who’s mirror tells him that he is not quite as strong as he once was, much of his quest is behind him, and much of his thirst for knowledge has already turned into a gain of wisdom.
If each would only stand side by side in the mirror; I believe that each would then see a complete Master Mason.
It is not them against us; it is the Master Mason against himself! Certainly we can find a way to accomplish that which we desire without splitting the Master Mason. Change must occur; as the true seeker for that which was lost understands. The true Master of the Royal Secret is the Architect of his own life; no where is it written that he is the Architect of melancholy of the spirit.
Our change must be Decisive! It must be Powerful! It must lead to Light!
A halfway attempt will not fill the needs of the new young Seeker of the Truth; and a halfway attempt will not fill the needs of the old Master of the Royal Secret! We will loose both; and then what will become of our “Gentle Craft?”
Let us be Architects, steadfast in our purpose, one working with the other!
used by permission of the author
Friday, January 18, 2008
Masonry & Fish Fries, by Bro. Ronald D. Martin
Posted by
The Sanctum Sanctorum
1/18/2008 04:59:00 PM
Labels: Esoterica, Fish Fries, Freemasonry, History, Masonry, Master Mason, Master of the Royal Secret, Philosophy, Ronald D. Martin
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