Sunday, January 27, 2008

New Forum: We are Live!!

Greetings Brothers,

If you haven’t heard of it, there is finally an online Masonic discussion forum that is specifically geared towards Regular Masons by Regular Masons, and interests pertaining to their mutual associations as such.

Finally, there is a place to refer Masons to, new and not, young and old, on the internet, where there isn’t a concern that they will encounter the negative information that seems to fill the majority of the web pages out there.

I look forward to seeing you there, whether you just want to read and watch. If you have a desire to participate in the discussions being had, or even if you might feel compelled to start one of your own, you can.

This forum is for Regular Masons and those who might have questions about perhaps becoming a Freemason.

Best of all, it’s free!! If you like what you find there, feel free to spread the word and forward this message as appropriate.

Check it out and have fun, and enjoy meeting some good brothers from across the world.

Be well brothers.

Sincerely & Fraternally,

WB William A. Isabelle

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